一、热爱生活总比胡思乱想强.It's better to love life than to be paranoid.二、你不热情就不会觉得别人冷淡.If you are not enthusiastic, you will not feel that others are cold.三、有些事只要想通就会更暴躁.Some things get grumpier when you figure them out.四、所有的最好都不如刚好.All the best are not as good as just.五、观赏性的喜欢谈不上爱.Ornamental love is not love.六、从最初的满腔热情到最后满是遗憾.From the initial enthusiasm to the end full of regret.七、对于我来说 我并不觉得我抵得过时间For me, I don't think I'm worth the time八、不甘放下的人总是会最遗憾的离开Those who are unwilling to let go will always leave most regretfully.九、你给我的细枝末节一览无余都是等待The details you gave me are all waiting十、犹豫不前的人往往都有退路People who hesitate often have a retreat十一、请享受你无法回避的痛苦.Please enjoy the pain you can't avoid.十二、要表达情绪 不是带着情绪表达.To express emotions, not with emotions.十三、我要你毫无理由对的偏向我I want you to favor me for no reason十四、爱情可真浪漫,不醒就好了Love is really romantic, just don't wake up十五、一个建议 要分清楚是爱还是不甘心One suggestion is to distinguish between love and reluctance十六、被爱的人永远都是大赢家The loved one is always the big winner十七、一直向上就不会害怕了Keep going up and you won't be afraid十八、以后 只有我 没有我们了I'll be the only one without us十九、 你涉水而过不代表你拥有这条河Just because you waded across doesn't mean you own the river二十、愿生活不太拥挤,笑容不必刻意Don't have to smile deliberately to make life less crowded |